MONDAY 10/05
Thinking about the cities of tomorrow in the company of the situationists and Guy Debord
Under the premise of understanding the city as a living organism in constant change, the Drift Theory, born in the cradle of Guy Debord's Situationism, proposes a playful and exciting vision of the city. In this conversation, two specialists will explain this look, diametrically opposed to that of a regulated and boring environment.
Moderator: Jorge Juarez Li
Consecutive Translation
Thierry Paquot
urban philosopher. Professor at the Paris Urbanism Institute. For more than 30 years he has participated in debates on the city, architecture and urbanization. In his writings, he denounces the urbanism of the productivist era and proposes to alter architectures in the name of existential ecology. He has published numerous works on the matter.

Patricia Ciriani
Historian of Franco-Peruvian art and architecture. Since 1998, he has curated, supervised or managed interdisciplinary exhibitions in Paris, Nancy, Barcelona and Lima. She is a university professor and is about to publish “Lima la sublime”, her first book.

Jorge Juarez Li
Co-founder of FutureLab, research consultancy for innovation and design of futures. Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and member of the PUCP Visual Anthropology Research Group.