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XI EAST FILM FESTIVAL - International Film Colloquium - 2020

Dialogue and comparative studies between the cinematographies of Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America: an unprecedented meeting

Dates: June 12 and 13, 2020

Place: Auditorium of the Faculty of Letters of the National University of San Marcos


The first international colloquium on Cinema: Dialogue and comparative studies between the cinematographies of Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America: an unprecedented meeting, will be held within the framework of the eleventh edition of the Al Este international film festival, which will take place at the Peru from June 3 to 13, 2020.


The International Colloquium on Comparative Studies between the cinematographies of Central and Eastern Europe, and those of Latin America, aims to promote academic and scientific analysis of the evolution and alternatives of development processes aimed at cinematographic collaboration and co-production between countries from Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America.



The Al Este festival has been in existence for over a decade in Latin America and over the course of its editions it has managed to build a bridge between two parts of the world: Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. Concentrating its exhibition material on this segment of the European continent, which had been partially relegated after 1989, the festival has also opened up to the representation of the national cinematographies of the countries where it has been located during the past decade, that is: Argentina , Colombia and Uruguay.

In this logic, in 2019, the AL ESTE festival proposed the first co-production laboratory between Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America, with the aim of instilling, after this period of mutual exhibition of film material, a more creative link in the production of joint production, promoting and making visible the new challenges and achievements of the national cinema and industry.



The central focus of the first international film colloquium, co-organized by the Research and Production Group INCOMUN - Interculturality and Communication, of the Faculty of Arts and CC.HH. of the National University of San Marcos and the Al Este Film Festival and the Ministry of Culture, will fall on the cinematographic co-production in its creation processes; production; distribution and conservation between these two regions of the world, in a transnational and comparative perspective.

In the colloquium, the methodological possibilities of comparative studies can be expressed either within a presentation, or by contrasting presentations or experiences referring to different realities. This will make it possible to highlight not only the similarities, but also the particularities of each cinematographic context in its original region, and the way in which alliances are fostered that allow them to position themselves in the highly competitive field of current transnational cinema.

This colloquium is part of the new trends in contemporary cinema: its globalization (in the methods of production, distribution and conservation of cinema); and the need to preserve the identity of each cinematography through its own audiovisual language, facing its local and global audience.

All film genres may be considered (animated film, documentary film, fiction film, experimental film and expanded film, etc.) including the possibility of studying contemporary visual arts.

Definition of the 5 main axes of study:

a. Creation processes:

  • Contribution of the scripts in each cinematographic process;

  • Informality and precarious working conditions for screenwriters;

  • Working relationships between director, screenwriter, and producer;

  • Role of the director and producer in creative work.

 b. Production processes:

  • Co-production policy within both regions and between them;

  • Notion of “transnationality”;

  • Private financing (production companies), public financing (co-production funds), festivals and laboratories;

  • Political and ideological dimension of co-production in Latin America and in Central and Eastern Europe (cultural and economic solidarity through co-production);

  • Role of the “giants” of Latin American cinema (Argentina, Brazil and Mexico) and European cinema (Germany, Spain, France, Poland) in relation to smaller film industries (Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay / Bulgaria, Croatia , Slovakia, Slovenia, Georgia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania etc.);

  • Role of regional cinema in these two parts of the world;

  • Logics of decentralization of production in these two parts of the world.

c. Distribution Policies:

  • State policies at the level of distribution in these two regions (quota system, incentive policies, etc.),

  • Attendance and formation of the public;

  • Film festival policies and their contribution to distribution policy between Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe.

 d. Role of film critic:

  • Impact of the diffusion of film magazines in both regions;

  • Dissemination of criticism and multiplication of blogs;

  • Space for criticism in the regional and national mass media;

  • Cinema favored by the mass media in each region.

 e. Audiovisual language:

  • Comparative analysis of themes and aesthetics

  • Influence of European audiovisual language on South American audiovisual language.

  • Co-production and influence of audiovisual language: the issue of audiovisual "sovereignty".



Students, researchers and film professionals are invited to send their proposals for papers in relation to the aforementioned areas of study for the International Film Colloquium. To do this, applicants to present their papers must:

  1. Send a summary of the proposed paper, contemplating the following information:

    • Title of the paper proposal (selected axis of study), full name of the candidate and personal data of the candidate.

    • Applicants must fill out the registration form available at: CV of the applicants must be sent to the emailcolloquio.aleste@gmail.comwith the Subject: CV [Name and Surname]

    • Abstracts should not exceed 250 words.

    • There is no registration fee.

  2. The presentations will last 15 minutes,  plus another 10 minutes for questions.

  3. The deadline for the delivery of paper proposals is April 24, 2020 until 11:59 p.m.


If you consider an axis or theme proposal that is related to the study objectives and is not included in this list, please contact the subject "Thematic Proposal" at Your proposal must contain: 1 coordinator contact; 2. Potential speakers and 3. Explanation of the topic.


  •  April 24, 2020: Closing of the call.

  • May 6, 2020:Editorial committee decision.

  • May 7, 2020:Publication of selected

  • June 12/13, 2020:Development of the colloquium within the framework of the XI International Film Festival AL ESTE (campus of the National University of San Marcos.)


Local Coordinator: David Duponchel

Local coordination assistant: Natali Conde

Advisory Committee: Julie Amiot-Guillouet

Scientific committee: Raúl Zevallos, Christian Wiener, Angie Bonino

Event organized by:

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With the support of:

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Al Este is member of:


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